Misty Mountain Hop65 viewsWe'd have to cross this bog to get where we were going.
Arctic Lake49 viewsA lake tucked in the hills.
Arctic Coast44 viewsAs seen from a mountain top.
Campsite67 viewsComplete with grazing reindeer. They look a little sketchy because they're shedding their coats for the summer.
Campsite From Above54 viewsAnother shot of our camping site.
Fishing Spot52 viewsWe'd be deep sea fishing soon just off that jut of rock.
Hiking64 viewsThe only way up is straight.
Boy Band Shot88 viewsBecause you can never have enough of the fab 4.
Reindeer Grazing76 viewsWith the Arctic Ocean and Hammerfest in the background.
Polar Bear82 viewsYou don't want to run into one of these in your walks.
Sailing, Sailing59 viewsSomeone cue the score for the HMS Pinafore
First Catch98 viewsWell, they didn't really catch the first fish, but they were the first two I caught catching fish.
Record Setter84 viewsThree on one line was the mark to beat. Nobody did.
My Attempt111 viewsThe first fish I've ever caught. And probably the last.
A little too excited230 viewsIs she taunting her fish?
World's Heaviest Ship539 viewsThis ship is carrying a full oil refinery from Spain and is capable of carrying more weight than any other ship in the world.
Fishing Boat379 viewsA look back from the bow.
Polar Plunge235 viewsOff for a quick (very quick) dip in the balmy Arctic Ocean. Or else a very friendly shower.
The Climb190 viewsTo get to a decent 'beach' we had to do a bit of mountaineering.
Striding off190 viewsHere I go into the water